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I recall during my first meetings with Jason how we were able to connect and what I felt was a instant brotherly connection. Jason helped me identify a few things going on within me that were causing me distress and insecurities and problems within me I didn't know I was exhibiting which was getting in the way of my self growth. When I met him I was doing bad and during those dark times the advice and support that he gave me was as valuable as the crown on a kings head. I was going through an extremely bad break up and had lost a lot of sense of self-worth and my self-esteem was at its lowest, Jason reminded me of the value I held and who I was as a man, as an individual, and as a friend. During some of the lowest times of my life, Jason was there for me, and I will always hold him to a high regard and always be thankful for being that beacon of light that us men rarely get to find in our darkest hours.
When I met Jason I was at a time in my life where I needed some kind of balance. I was stuck in a cycle of life where I was just doing the same things over and over again and I needed a change. It's not that I wasn't happy with life or anything, but I knew that life is more than the repetitive things I did. When I met Jason, he helped me identify the problem and showed me ways to make that change in my life. It really helped me understand that I am in control of my life and if I want a change I have to do it myself. It helped me divide my days so I could get used to making more of the 24 days we are given without sacrificing anything I already loved doing. Organizing my days has helped me get so much more out of life and I'm truly grateful for the brother I found in Jason.
"On my first trip to Colombia I didn't know what to expect, I didn't know how to feel. As a man, I allowed life to take over me and limited myself to the limitations of my living conditions. Upon meeting Jason, I recognized a wise man when I saw it. It made me remember, Men are born kings. However, being king is a privilege, not a right, and I must work to maintain that status. As the day goes by, I learned to wake up every day with a purpose, demonstrate the best version of myself, physically, mentally and financially. The change of mind came from our meeting. And after that there was a domino effect. Now I continue to push myself to the limit, I gained freedom by releasing my potential and my will. of wanting more for myself, as well as the ability to fight for my loved ones without the slightest doubt for their safety. Incredible where a conversation can take you.
"Jason me ha ayudado adoptar otra perspectiva de la importancia de la exclusividad no solo como mujer sino también como persona. Recordándome que MI crecimiento y propósito debe ser lo primordial para lograr ser una mujer de alto valor."
"Hay un momento que siempre recordare junto a Jasón; Algo tan simple que veo a diario, como son las calles, edificios y montañas de la ciudad de Medellín , en un instante desde su balcón observando todo esto me decía como comparaba la ciudad con la vida cotidiana, en cuanto a las personas que viven abajo solo se observan entre sí y no ven más allá y por ende están ahí como en un domo atrapadas porque no amplían la vista a su alrededor y de cómo las personas que vivían en lo alto de las montañas podrían observar aún mucho más a aquellas personas y a sí mismas por ende estaban más alto , pero al final y menos esperado, señaló dos luces verdes que hay en lo más alto de la montaña , haciendo referencia a ellas como si fuéramos él y yo, quienes observábamos a todos los demás y por ende teníamos una perspectiva más amplia de la vida; no me lo esperaba pues aunque siempre veía esas luces no me veía tan alto como estaban ellas y él sin conocerme muy a fondo me puso allá, a su lado y en lo alto de esa montaña haciendo elevar mi capacidad de auto observación y perspectiva de la vida. Mientras mejor observadores nos volvemos más arriba estaremos y nos convertimos en grandes maestros para nosotros mismos y para los demás . Gracias Jasón, Dios te bendiga siempre."
Cuando te conocí no estaba en el momento más claro de mi vida, tenía una y mil cosas en mi cabeza sin resolver, tal vez yo no soy una persona que pueda confiar mi vida con alguien, pero tú lograste que te abriera mis secretos, mis temores, mis pensamientos, mi forma de ser; ayudaste a aclarar muchas cosas que necesito para poder llegar allá, a donde quiero. He confiado en ti y confiaría en ti siempre. Gracias por darme tranquilidad y sabiduría, me hiciste mejor persona para mi y para los demás. ♥️ thanks for all.
Paula. 🅿️
"Jason is truly a honorable person and most importantly, a great friend. I can always seek his help no matter the circumstances. He allowed me to gain self confidence when it was lacking."
"When Jason put reality in me, I woke up to the ways I was being taken advantage of. He helped me grow to become tougher about life, not be taken advantage of. Become one in myself. Instead of that, running into the fight. To flee, to be bold instead of curling up, or to be solid as a rock instead of soft as dough..."
"Jason always looks at the positive even when the situation may be 99% negative... His ambition to help others is by far the most encompassing asset he has..."
"I met Jason at a very transformative time in my life. I had just graduated from college and was beginning my career in education. I very quickly connected with Jason out of admiration for his ability to guide and provide clarity to the young men at our school. At the time I didn't know how much guidance and clarity he would help bring to my life. He helped me formulate a career and life plan to get to my dream teaching position and helped me believe more in my own abilities as an individual. He allowed me to realize my own worth and not take less of myself in my employment or other areas of my life. He has a truly uncommon skill set and I am very lucky to ask him for guidance and call him a true friend."
"Jason is such a unique and profound person. Every time I have had the opportunity to work with him, he constantly provides me with support and guidance. He is a team player and his positive connection with young people is undeniable. He has the most inspiring words that can boost not only students, but anyone around them. My favorite is his brilliant statement, “Turn your stress into SUCCESS and your mess into a MESSAGE.” This quote resonates with me and is something I tell my students, and think about in my own life as well. He truly is an excellent professional and ultimately a wonderful human being at heart."
Querido Kajet,
Gracias ❤, eres una de las personas especiales que siempre intenta dar; quien hace de este mundo un lugar mejor, solo por tu forma de vivir. Te preocupas por el futuro de los demás, haces lo mejor que puedes para ayudarlos, si alguien necesita ayuda, estás ahí para prestarle un 🙋. Si no fuera por ti nunca hubiera pensado en escribir poemas para expresar lo que sentía, me diste la fuerza para continuar con mi vida, recuerda cuando me dijiste que nací por una razón y que necesitaba averigua porque ? 😂 me dijiste que lo diera todo. No puedo agradecerte lo suficiente por todo lo que has hecho por mí, 😊 gracias por ayudarme a aprender todo lo que sé. Siempre te recordaré a medida que pasen los años.... Extrañaré que seas mi maestro 💙 Sé la razón por la que me siento muy triste, ahora nos despedimos hasta volvernos a encontrar. También gracias por tu guía y la fe que me has mostrado me ha hecho aún más fuerte 😔😁. Te quiero mucho, cuídate kajet ❤.
De tu alumna favorita
Idalys castro🤗🤩
"Jason is a solid example as to why it is imperative to allow ourselves to be motivated and advised; encouraged and lifted when we are in a negative space in our heads and in our hearts. When a good friend of mine passed away, I made the mistake of coming in to work a day too early. Not wanting to rejoice or feel positive about anything, Jason was a solid reminder for me to keep my head up and too keep a positive mind frame; to take time to grieve and to remember that even though life may throw me a monkey wrench in the hopes of severing my spirits, I can pick up that wrench and begin to fix and repair to make a weak mindset stronger."
"One thing that has stuck with me even more then I know myself will definitely be you can't soar with the Eagles if you're too busy cluckin down below with the chickens... It seems a bit cliche but it's something that still to this day applies to moments in my present and my future. More then all of that you motivate and I don't mean your words I mean you... Your values, morals, goals and overall as a person a brother and a friend..... It's how u care that changes people ..... It's just who u are, and I'm proud to say that I know you brother! I know nothing less than what you deserve will come your way!"
"They say sometimes the older you are the wiser! Well my soul confidant was never older he was actually half my age! My nephew Jason you have guided me through very difficult times in my life! Your words helped me raise my son, being a single mom and raising a boy that was totally strong minded and stubborn! I learned from you to take it one day at a time and you always gave me hope that one day he would appreciate me and you constantly would remind me that it was not my fault! I sometimes sobbed, cried, and you would find a way to make me laugh! I listened to your words and on dark days they always played in the back of my head when I was down and out! Today I thank you because I backed off! I didn't blame myself and that same boy now a man matured and returned back in my life! Jason we are all lucky to have you and you are truly an old soul and such an inspiration to us all!"
"Hello! I am a business owner but I would not be if it hadn’t been for having Jason as a neighbor. When I expressed my wish to work for myself with animals and my fears in holding myself accountable Jason provided great feedback and support allowing me to believe in myself and step forward into doing what I love."
"Man, Jason is somewhat of a mini savior in my life. When I hit my lowest point and had nowhere else to turn I always knew I could talk to Jay. Without question jay was always empathetic and made sure he made time throughout his busy day to constantly encourage me. I had a moment where life really got the best of me and mentally I felt debilitated and unable to really focus on my day to day tasks. Jason always knew what to say, and liked to add some insight that related to his own life and things he has experienced in his own life. Not only can his wisdom be trusted but every thing he told me was applicable to my situation and he would always add in a small/midterm challenge to keep me on my toes and be proactive in my recovery. Today, I see him as a brother and a mentor. He expressed that he wanted to pave the way for the future leaders of this generation and I will always back him in anything he aspires to do from here on out. True compassion at it's fullest!"
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